Who We Are?
The Center for Common Disease Research in Africa and Asia (CEROCDAA) is a registered non-for-profit organization company in Canada. It is a science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. It was borne out of many emergence of new diseases, such as H1N1, COVID-19, and MPox. It was also conceptualized to innovate and address the many public health challenges, such as diabetes, cancer, and maternal mortality etc.

Strategic Focus Areas
The center for research on common diseases for Africa and Asia strategically focuses on the following areas:
Public Health Research
Laboratory Systems and Networks
Information Systems
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Common Surveillance and Epidemiological Intelligence
Invitro Fertility Research and Development (IVF)
Training and capacity building
Public heath research and implementation science
Public Health Science and Surveillance
Research on Non-Infectious Diseases
Research of Infectious disease
Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services
Health Statistics
Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Vaccines, Immunization and Respiratory Disease
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectous Diseases

Why Focus on Africa and Asia
Burden of Common Diseases in Africa
Deaths in Africa fell largely in the WHO Group 1 category (death through communicable diseases, and perinatal, maternal and nutritional causes): 5.9-million deaths amounting to 61.7% of all deaths in sub-Saharan Africa. Group 2 death are as a result of non-communicable diseases, accounted for 2.7-million deaths or 28.6% of all deaths. This category includes heart disease (293,000 deaths), various forms of cancer (426,000) and diabetes (175,000). Group 3, deaths through injury, amounted for 939,000 deaths, or 9.8% of the total.
Burden of Common Diseases in Asia
Communicable diseases remain the leading cause of mortality and morbidity Asia Region:
There are common similarities in all the countries. Despite existing policies and programs to prevent and control communicable diseases, most countries have failed to eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases. Other factors include law of sustainable financing to scale up interventions, especially for emerging and re-emerging diseases that can produce epidemics and pandemics.

Ten Most Common Causes of Death Globally
According to WHO 2019 , the following are the baseline information on the commonest causes of death in the world.